3 Reasons Why Your Paid Ad Campaign Failed

3 min readDec 16, 2020

Paid advertising campaigns — search ads, display ads, social media ads, etc., are an effective way to stand out amongst your competitors, magnify reach, and accelerate sales.

However, with every big reward also comes along big risks.

While running campaigns, there is always a possibility that your campaigns will not give you the results you expected. When this happens, instead of giving up or adding more money into campaigns that aren’t working, we suggest taking the time to explore what’s not working.

But how do you know what to look for in our underperforming campaign? Here are three of the most common reasons why paid campaigns fail.

Do you need help building a paid ad campaign that gives you maximum conversions? Learn how Winnow Digital Marketing uses A.I. to drive optimal decision making for their clients’ paid advertising campaigns.

1. Mistargeting

One of the most common causes of campaign failure is targeting the wrong audiences. To grow a successful business, you need to define your audience accurately — and this is especially true with paid ad campaigns.

The minimum perimeters of defining your audience should consist of:

  • Age or age range (e.g., 35–44-year-olds)
  • Location — this could include the use of zip codes targeting
  • Demographics (e.g., professions; such as General Managers at Auto Dealerships)
  • Behaviors (e.g., where do your audiences interact online)

The more accurately you define these groups, the more likely you are to generate relevant engagements. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you have one million website visitors if zero visitors are willing to make a purchase. High-quality audience targeting is essential.

2. Lackluster Ad Copy

Avoid fabricating your message because readers likely have either heard it before or won’t believe it. Instead, bring something new to the audience by writing catchy and visually-pleasing copy. Remember, the six words of any copy must immediately grab the reader’s attention.

And don’t forget about including relevant keywords throughout your messaging to ensure your ad is indexed and served to the right audience. Not sure what copy will perform the best? Enable multivariate testing and use data to optimize the decision-making process for you!

Need help? The pros at Winnow Pro Digital Marketing can help you optimize your next paid campaign with AI-powered technologies — learn more.

3. URL Destination

Successfully getting your readers to click through to your website or landing pages is a huge step, but often, businesses are not ensuring that the website or landing page messaging is aligned with the ad copy. This misalignment of messaging creates a poor user experience and ultimately drives the user away.

Be sure the URL provided in the ad campaign drives users to a location where there is explicit action and familiar messaging so the transition from the ad to the website or landing page is seamless — which will help increase conversion rates!

Creating a Successful Campaign

While targeting, ad copy, and landing pages are only part of the considerations that go into creating a successful campaign that drives conversions; it is essential to fully comprehend the depth of each of these before enabling other paid campaign features.

Given the time it takes to conquer the ever-changing complexities in paid advertising, Winnow Pro Digital Marketing can help you save time and resources when running paid advertising campaigns. Learn how our tenured technology and digital marketing pros have helped businesses and agencies, just like yours.




WinnowPro is a technology company focused on providing automated digital marketing and sales solutions that are dedicated to improving business profitability.